Harefield’s Chalk Slagheap

After the Chromium-6 is taken out of the water at the South Portal the Reject water is fed into the sewer system at Maple Cross. We do not know if this is safe?

Link to Jenny Jones Questions and Department of Transport Answer

Contaminated rainwater run-off needs to be prevented from percolating into the ground and the aquifer below. The slagheap has been placed in the Inner Source Protection Zone for the Blackford Public Water Source and is running out of the site in streams across the public footpath.

There is a Public consultation on HS2 changes to the Discharge license which ends on 10th February 2023. If like us you have concerns about Chromium-6 pollution in the Drinking water Protected Areas you can respond.

Application reference: EPR/QB3092NR/V004. Please telephone if you have any questions on 020 8474 8938 or email: psc-waterquality@environment-agency.gov.uk .

The bad news is that Chromium-6, the Erin Brockovich cancer causing chemical, has been identified by HS2 water testing, in the rain water run-off from the chalk slagheap at HOAC.

This site is one of 7 new sites which Align JV are applying to include in the water Discharge License variation because levels of Chromium-6 are above Environmental Quality Standards and Drinking Water Standards .

chalk slagheap pictures
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