Can you help the General Election Candidates?

Please help Jess, Christine and Sarah put green issues on the local map – as the Green Party candidates in Hillingdon on July 4th.

Click this link to contribute.

Funding Three Constituencies to be Fairer and Greener.

The Greens believe humanity must live in balance with the natural world – and with each other. Hillingdon Green Party is a small but very active group of local people who want to make life better for everyone in Hillingdon and beyond. We, our children and grand children need to be in a place where people can live their best life, be good neighbours and have good neighbours. We see politicians slagging each other off and not really tacking the big issues. The Green Party nationally is full of good ideas and we want to bring them here.

We’re proud to be people powered. But to make a real impact we need funds – and you can help. Please ask your friends and family to donate to our crowdfunder, and share the link amongst local contacts

We have paid out the £1,500 for the deposits, leaving our funds depleated.

We would like to raise £1,200 to pay for the printing and dispatch of freepost leaflets to local households to let everybody know voting Green will help them.

Jess Lee is the candiate for Ruislip Northwood and Pinner, Christine West is standing in Hayes and Harlington and Sarah Green for Uxbridge and South Ruislip. These three constituencies cover the London Borough of Hillingdon and part of Harrow. We are on the front line boundary between London and the countryside. The border is the River Colne and we are fighting for our water: clean water to drink and a healthy river.

We are standing for what we believe in. We need your help to raise funds for the campaign materials that will make sure local people know about what is going on here and all the good things the Green Party stands for. Help local people make an informed decision on July 4th.

For a healthier greener Hillingdon (and a bit of Harrow) please give generously today and or share this crowdfunder.

We really appreciate your help,

Christine, Jess and Sarah

Click this link to contribute

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