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Hillingdon Water Quality update August 2024

Blackford pumping station discharge pipe

Like many people in Hillingdon we are very concerned and outraged about the declining state of our waterways and drinking water sources. In Hillingdon’s Mid Colne Valley, this decline is rapid, going from good water quality to a decline in fish populations, poor quality water and two closed public water stations.

Blackford public water source (PWS) on Moorhall Road South Harefield remains closed. It was closed in May 2021 because of HS2 works next to it. It needs to be brought back online to resupply the local tap water. In order to reopen Blackford, water quality must be at safe drinking water standards. So in April/May 2024 HS2 Ltd and Affinity Water Ltd conducted a 30 day constant rate trial, opening the public bore holes, doing daily chemical testing and emptying the groundwater from deep in the chalk aquifer into the Grand Union Canal.

The water quality results have not yet been made public, see here.

Even though the water quality results have not been made public, work continues at Blackford water pumping station. A new discharge pipe is now being built from Blackford pumping station towards the Grand Union Canal, photo 22 August 2024.