Drinking water quality threatened by HS2 Colne valley construction

Photo taken pre-pandemic

Hillingdon Green party believes that two proposed major HS2 planning applications threaten the quality of the daily drinking water to 1.3 million people. Without being sure that there would be no lasting damage to the drinking water protected areas (DWPAs) or without knowing who is liable if things go wrong, the London Borough of Hillingdon should delay any planning decision.

The application references are :

Ref: 74320/APP/2019/3187 for the earthworks for the viaduct, available here


Ref: 76182/APP/2021/399 for the river diversions and landscape changes for flood risk, available here

For the first there are unassessed long term water quality risks for the Blackford water pumping station.
For the second there is unassessed risk of drawing polluted water down gradient in to the HOAC lake eastern extension planned for increased flood alleviation.

Further details for both of these can be see here.

When considering these applications London Borough of Hillingdon must be sure that the lasting legacy of HS2 in Colne Valley will not be long term pollution of the daily drinking water of 1.3 million people in and around Uxbridge. It is unsafe to pass planning consent for plans with unassessed risks of pollutant transit from Council sources of contamination in the vicinity. Contamination of the Blackford source could lead to unpotable water which may take a long time to remediate. The Council and (Authorising Authority) could be held liable.

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