Vote Niki Samuel in Harefield

Vote for Niki Samuel in Harefield, for more year round hard work.

Niki is a retired horticulturalist with a love of animals, nature and the environment. She has lived in Harefield for 15 years and absolutely loves it.

Niki has been standing up for the people of Harefield since 2016 when she saw how HS2 plans would harm our way of life in every aspect; threatening our community assets, land, water, air, health, transport and wildlife.

Niki has fresh energy and knowledge to bring to the council, along with the time, skills and experience to be a stronger voice for us. A Green in the room changes everything about the way decisions are made.

Hillingdon Council needs accountability

The council is run by the Conservatives, who have a large majority. They are likley to have a bigger majority after these elections. Having some alternative voices on the council to provide constructive views and hold the council to account is really important for democracy. A one-party state never serves any area well. Where there is little opposition on councils people get worse value for money from the council-tax they pay. Electing another Conservative might not change anything on the council, but sending Niki as an indepentently-minded alternative voice will.

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