HS2’s Route Wide Injunction Bans Protest – Evidence deadline 16th May

HS2 Limited are seeking impunity from all protests through a route wide injunction against Persons Unknown who trespass on HS2 land and disruption to the construction process. Persons found to be in breach of this injunction will face prison sentences, large fines and seizure of assets. Through this intimidation, HS2 are seeking to silence protest against them.

This creates a dangerous situation for anyone who walks, lives and exists around the area owned by HS2 as you can break the injunction even for unknowingly being on their land.

The scale and wide reaching nature of this injunction is unheard of. Injunctions are being used increasingly to suppress lawful protest and if HS2 get this injunction, it will set a dangerous precedent through which private companies can, in effect, pay for their own laws and to imprison their opponents.

At a time where awareness of climate and social crisis is peaking, HS2 are effectively attempting to silence any opposition against them.

Court Update:

A judge ruled at the directions hearing that landowners and local residents didn't need to be made aware of HS2's plans to injunct their local footpaths, roads, places of work and homes as the defence suggested.

Instead, the only requirement is that HS2 post the details on their social media, website, publicise in just two daily newspapers, and put a few notices up in libraries.

This is unacceptable as this injunction will affect a vast number of people, who will have no awareness of it, even though it will risk criminalising them.

Oppose the injunction

You can have your say and oppose HS2 by telling the Judge how you will be affected if this injunction is granted.

Are you a local resident who regularly passes through, or near HS2 land?

Are you dissatisfied with what HS2 has done to your local area?

Have you ever tried to make a complaint against HS2?

Do you care about access to our countryside and freedom to protest?

Has HS2 taken any land or property away from you?

Do you feel you should have been made aware by HS2 about their injunction proceedings?

To submit evidence against the injunction

We all have until the 16th May to submit evidence. Don't worry if you're not sure how to word it, you can be talked through the process.

Reach out via Email: Resist-HS2-Bluebell@protonmail.com

Or message the Facebook Page: Bluebell Woods Protection Camp


HS2 have already wreaked havoc in local communities, now they are making a sinister attempt to intimidate and silence anyone who opposes the project.


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